Tuesday 13 December 2011

The arcade I'd prefer my kids to hang out at

Sci-Bono is the type of place I wouldn't mind my kids spending hours at. In fact, you don't even realise that you spend hours there coz there's so much to do. And it's perfect for my 6 and 4yr olds because there are enough activities for their short attention spans.

It's a science discovery centre and there are, what seems like hundreds of interactive stalls/displays for them to play with. Much of it is above their level of understanding, but they're interacting with science so when they're ready to digest the scientific concepts, they will have a better understanding of it because they have experienced it already.

They also have exciting, interactive workshops from time to time, and once a month host "Speak2aScientist" for older kids and adults.

Worth checking out if you live in the Joburg area. See http://www.sci-bono.co.za/.

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